
A bloom effect.

import { Bloom } from '@react-three/postprocessing'
import { BlurPass, Resizer, KernelSize, Resolution } from 'postprocessing'

return (
    intensity={1.0} // The bloom intensity.
    blurPass={undefined} // A blur pass.
    kernelSize={KernelSize.LARGE} // blur kernel size
    luminanceThreshold={0.9} // luminance threshold. Raise this value to mask out darker elements in the scene.
    luminanceSmoothing={0.025} // smoothness of the luminance threshold. Range is [0, 1]
    mipmapBlur={false} // Enables or disables mipmap blur.
    resolutionX={Resolution.AUTO_SIZE} // The horizontal resolution.
    resolutionY={Resolution.AUTO_SIZE} // The vertical resolution.

Bloom is selective by default, you control it not on the effect pass but on the materials by lifting their colors out of 0-1 range. a luminanceThreshold of 1 ensures that ootb nothing will glow, only the materials you pick. For this to work toneMapped has to be false on the materials, because it would otherwise clamp colors between 0 and 1 again.

<Bloom mipmapBlur luminanceThreshold={1} />

// ❌ will not glow, same as RGB [1,0,0]
<meshStandardMaterial color="red"/>

// ✅ will glow, same as RGB [2,0,0]
<meshStandardMaterial emissive="red" emissiveIntensity={2} toneMapped={false} />

// ❌ will not glow, same as RGB [1,0,0]
<meshBasicMaterial color="red" />

// ❌ will not glow, same as RGB [1,0,0], tone-mapping will clamp colors between 0 and 1
<meshBasicMaterial color={[2,0,0]} />

// ✅ will glow, same as RGB [2,0,0]
<meshBasicMaterial color={[2,0,0]} toneMapped={false} />


react-postprocessing SSAO, SMAA and Bloom demo
react-postprocessing SSAO, SMAA and Bloom demo


luminanceThresholdNumber0.9The luminance threshold. Raise this value to mask out darker elements in the scene. Range is [0, 1].
luminanceSmoothingNumber0.025Controls the smoothness of the luminance threshold. Range is [0, 1].
blendFunctionBlendFunctionBlendFunction.SCREENThe blend function of this effect.
intensityNumber1The intensity.
resolutionXNumberResizer.AUTO_SIZEThe render width.
resolutionYNumberResizer.AUTO_SIZEThe render height.
kernelSizeNumberKernelSize.LARGEThe blur kernel size.
blurPassBlurPassnullAn efficient, incremental blur pass.